9 Feb


Arnold Bennet once said, “Any change, even a change for the better, is always accompanied by drawbacks and discomforts.”

We are all living a routinary life, and everyday we do the same things that we did yesterday or the day before that. We get off our beds, eat breakfast and go to work. We meet up with friends, hang out in the mall or go home and read something. These situations are just few evidences that we are all having a customary set of activities. Others may find it inspiring but others do not think that way.

Some people would think that change is always a good thing because it brings progress. In addition to that, it introduces us to new things that we didn’t know before. Change fuels us to do better and to endure situations that come along with it. It may not be always a desirable change but it teaches us new ways on how to deal with those kind of situations as it pressures us to make the choices that we think are right.

On the other hand, experiencing change can be difficult to some. They may find it hard to adjust to any alterations that may come so they avoid change as much as possible. It may be burdensome to encounter a sudden change in day to day activities and would probably cause a confusion. Doing the same things and experiencing the same situations can be enriching to others. It can promote expertise and since it is a routine already, a wrong step can be spotted by someone so easily.

However, it is necessary for us to experience change. It is the only constant thing in this world. As they say, change is inevitable and I could not agree more. To undergo change would help us grow and be mature. It opens our whole being to new challenges and opportunities waiting to be embraced. Be it good or a bad change, it makes us better decision makers and better persons capable of dealing with any situations.

5 Responses to “CHANGE”

  1. Opinionated Man February 9, 2013 at 11:43 am #

    If you wrote this piece yourself it is really well written.

    • somewhereinmybrain February 9, 2013 at 11:47 am #

      Thank you! Yeah I wrote this piece myself, except for the quote of course.

      • Opinionated Man February 9, 2013 at 11:48 am #

        Nicely written. I hope more people get to read it, you have great sentence structure. 🙂

      • somewhereinmybrain February 9, 2013 at 11:52 am #

        🙂 Thanks. Your comments made my day lol.

      • Opinionated Man February 9, 2013 at 11:52 am #


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