Daily Prompt: Hi Mom!

12 May

Today is Mother’s Day in the United States. Wherever in the world you are, write a letter for your mother. Image

*Pictured here is my mother and my niece.*

Dear Mom,

I’ve read a lot of messages/statuses on Facebook greeting their mothers early or on time back in the Philippines, some of them made videos to show how much they love their moms and how much they appreciate all the sacrifices that their mothers did. I know you wouldn’t be able to read my status if I posted a greeting there on Facebook or use Twitter as you don’t have any account on those social networking sites. So why am I wasting my time typing away a letter here that I know you wouldn’t be able to see? I know I sent a couple of text messages but I just thought I wanted to show how proud I am that I have a mother like you.

Raising up 3 kids is not really that simple I know. But when I’m looking at you or thinking about how you managed to give us everything we need, it seems like it’s a no- brainer to you. That every time, you always come up with solutions no matter how difficult the situation is. Looking back during my college days, it seemed like every problem that we encountered is like an intricate puzzle, a labyrinth in which it is difficult to find one’s way out. But you were amazing, always smiling and assuring us that there’s no need to worry. That all we have to do is concentrate on our studies and leave the rest to you. That God will always provide. You taught us to keep our feet rooted to the ground no matter how many achievements we have received. You taught us that there’s always a reward for being patient.

You taught us how to endure hard situations since we we’re not born with silver spoon in our mouths. I am who I am today because of your upbringing. There would always be hurdles along the way but I’m pretty sure I can manage to pass them because of every lesson you inculcated in me. Thank you so much for everything. And I’d say I am proud to be your daughter Mrs. Elizabeth Picaza Abuan.

Love always,

Jeni 🙂

One Response to “Daily Prompt: Hi Mom!”

  1. kelvin p. abuan May 13, 2013 at 8:08 am #

    luv u mamang!

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