Tag Archives: 10 day challenge

Day 9 and Day 10!!! :)

25 Sep

We just moved to the new apartment, two houses down our old flat. Anyway, it was tiring packing and moving our stuff. I didn’t know we have useless stuff stashed in the cupboards and even under the bed. It was 11:30 pm when we emptied the old apartment, we started around 4 pm yesterday.. There are still tons of things to do, my knees are weak, my hands are shaking I don’t know why and they’re so dry. I am typing this postΒ  because yey it’s break time lol.

Day 9: 5 Ways To Win Your Heart:

1. Intelligent conversations, not the boring ones or the nerdy types of convo.

2. Unique qualities. Like maybe a musician or an artist? I’m really not sure. But I’m attracted to guys with gorgeous voice. (My ex boyfriend used to sing me songs while playing his guitar over the phone (Kenneth Irvin :D))

3. Independent and capable of deciding for himself.

4. Chocolates or giving me stuffed toys (small ones) every day haha.

5. He should pick me up every day or every chance he gets from my workplace or something. πŸ˜€

Day 10: 5 Places You Wanna Go To:

1. Denmark. It was listed as one of the safest countries to go to.

2. London. I wanna meet One Night Only members (although they’re from Helmsley) .

3. Norway. I just think it’s a beautiful country πŸ™‚

4. Canada. I wanna migrate there πŸ™‚

5. Japan. The culture, the language, the tourist spots.

There! I actually did it lol. I saw this 10 day challenge thing on tumblr, from one of my followers. But my Tumblr is not for posting texts, I might bore my followers so I think this crappy blog is the best place to post this shitty challenge. πŸ˜‰

Day 8 :D

23 Sep

Will you fall in love with a long time friend? Or will you rather keep the connection as friends and not ruin it with romance and crap? Haha, what the hell am I saying? I’m watching Sex Drive on Star Movies while typing this. Maybe falling inlove with your friend/bestfriend is cool as long as you know how to make each day special or something. Otherwise it’ll just be boring because you already know each other, you’ve been together for how long and stuff.

Change topic, Emma Watson tweeted today the links for the latest Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows trailer. Yeah I’m following her on twitter and it’s really her because her account’s verified. Anyway the trailer was amazing, I bet the whole movie is. It’s kinda sad though because it’s the last installment, Harry Potter series really became part of my life ever since I read the first book. My mother banned the book when it was released because the story was about wizarding/witchcraft stuff and she said it’s not good influence *rolls eyes*, I managed to smuggle it inside the house though and read it when everyone’s snoring. I read the first, second and third books with the blanket over my head and using a flashlight as my light source lol. When the 4th book was released, my mom finally allowed us to watch and read the book legally (that means inside the house, I watched the first 3 movies in theaters). Anyway, that’s the story lol and here’s the link for the trailer: emmawatson.com

Day 8: 5 Of Your Favorite Food


Chicken Alfredo Pasta


Grilled Chicken


Blueberry Cheesecake


Pepperoni Pizza



Well I do have a lot of favorite food lol πŸ™‚ But I just need to list down 5, and these are the top 5 πŸ™‚

Day 2 of the 10 Day Challenge

17 Sep

It’s my best friend’s 23rd birthday today and I’m supposed to be in their house right now, it’s 5:40 pm and what the hell am I doing? Right, typing away this post hehe..

Anyway, it’s day 2 of the challenge, and it’s a 5 things you hate day:

1. Womanizer/Cheater. I just don’t understand why some guys have to have more than 1 girlfriend at the same time. What do they get out of it? How can they take in all the troubles it can bring? Also, those guys chasing girls right after breaking up with their girlfriends. Jerks.

2. Cockroaches. Eew.. I really hate those creepy insects.

3. People using other people to get what they want then drop them like hot potato after using em for whatever reason. I live in a crazy world and what they call the dog-eat-dog world. People fight for themselves and hurt each other, well I guess that’s normal but beyond that it’s just outrageous. Like using people to gain advantage or stabbing them in the back. People can fight each other or hurt each other, that’s ok and normal as long as because they’re fighting for something of worth, of value. Because they fight each other in search for the truth, for a world that’s much better to live in.

4. Being Weak. Sometimes you have to let it all go and just open up. Be vulnerable. Be weak. I don’t want that, as much as possible I wanna stay strong all the time. I wanna learn how to control everything that’s inside me.

5. Dirty Nails, be it toenails or fingernails. Jeni’s pet peeve that’s all.