Tag Archives: best i’ve ever had

gosh, can’t belive i wrote this a long time ago..

23 Jul

A few lines from a forgotten essay written in one of my journals:

The battle is over,it’s useless fighting when long time ago you’ve given up. When you chose to stay with her. It’s just so unfair that she snatched you away from me. What can I do when it’s your choice to stay in her arms, to kiss her lips and whisper words of love in her ears. I’ve had a taste of heaven in months but what happened next I honestly don’t know. You turned away and left me on that avenue. It was so hard that I almost broke down and cried, I literally stopped breathing for a while but I told myself it was the only thing you left for me, breathing. And so I have to breathe. When you walked away you took everything from me, my heart, my soul. I’m not the same person anymore. I was shattered, I love you so much that it hurts. Memories of you and me they kept coming back, they’re all the same now. Happy and painful memories bring tears to my eyes. It just hurts and all I can do is cry. All I can do is pray you’ll come back. But that’s not possible isn’t it? Because you’re gone. Because you just threw away everything that we had. Because you left without bothering to wipe my tears away.

In one fluid moment, the love I have was gone into a place where he can’t come back. Because I know you’re happy with her. But tell me, does she love you like I did?