Tag Archives: challenge

Daily Prompt: Apply Yourself (A Neophyte In Food Photography)

19 Jan

Describe your latest attempt to learn something that did not come easily to you.

It’s actually my first time to do this “Daily Prompt” thing. My blog is a personal one, and I talk mostly about my life, what I like, what I do and other senseless things there. Anyway, I think today’s Daily Prompt is really interesting because it’s asking us to describe something that has to do with challenging ourselves. To understand something you need but may not like, or just to learn something you really want.

Last October, I purchased a camera that, they say is suitable for beginners like me. Yep, I am not a professional photographer nor do I have a crash course or workshop on Photography, and I really wanted to but I can’t find the time. There’s a particular type of Photography that I’m quite interested in and that’s Food Photography.

It’s not really that easy, You can’t just shoot a food that looks mouth-watering. You can’t just take a picture of something that makes an invitation to your tongue. There are a lot of things to be learned and they are a bit challenging. But everyone has to start somewhere right?

First off, I read the manual of my camera and watched tutorials on how to use it, how to play with it, and get creative with it. Then, I started to scour the web for food bloggers and food photographers alike. I read their blogs and jotted down useful tips and slowly applying them. I learned that lighting is very important. I’ve read that using a white cloth is very useful when it comes to diffusing the light, I tried it and it definitely is true! I also came to know about shooting at various angles, that a tripod is helpful because it keeps the camera steady when you’re shooting as compared to when your holding it. That the key to best food photos are those presented simply, clean and natural.

There are still a lot to learn and I’d say that it’s still a long way ahead. I know there would be new trends and styling techniques on Food Photography, and if I’d be given a chance to have a workshop or something, I would gladly grab it. For now, I’m still a neophyte trying to learn by myself *and it sucks lol*. 

PS I also learned how to cook new dishes and bake because I was pressured to take photos of food that’s freshly prepared 😛 *LOL*




Days 3, 4, 5 of the 10 Day Challenge

20 Sep

I know! I’ve missed out.. That’s because it was my bestfriend’s birthday last Friday (September 17) and the following day was my friend Mary Anne’s birthday as well.. Dad arrived from Isabela and yesterday we went to attend the Sunday mass, bounced to Quiapo to buy Mom a helmet, talked to the caretaker of the apartments located 2 houses down our flat and checked out if we could reserve one bigger flat to move in this coming Saturday. Yep, we’re going to move to a bigger apartment! Yus!

So, here’s the list for DAY 3:  5 Lessons You’ve recently learned about life:

1. Letting go and forgetting a person who disappeared like a smoke, a person who left because of whatever reason, maybe something stupid.

2. It’s really hard to trust someone, even if it’s a relative of yours. Sometimes blood is dirtier than water, if you know what I mean.

3. When someone offered a hand to help you out, it’s wise to be wary sometimes, you’ll never know there might be a concealed agenda.

4. Making sacrifices is a must. It always shapes you up into a better, more determined person.

5. Being patient is the best antidote to worrying. If things are meant for you, they will happen.

Day 4: 5 Wishes:

1. A home of my own (when I said home, that would mean having a contented family and a pretty house :))

2. To travel around Europe and visit some countries in Asia.

3. Meet and hang out with One Night Only members (George Craig, James Craig, Dan Parkin, Mark Hayton and Jack Sails)

4. To have a bar/pub of my own.

5. To participate in extreme sports lol (doubt it).

Actually I have a lot of wishes, but here I just need to enumerate 5, so there goes.

Day 5: 5 Items You Can’t Live Without:

1. Shelter, Clothes, Food haha.. These actually constitute 3 items already but I’m going to identify it as just one item, afterall they’re basic needs.

2. My glasses/contact lenses.

3. My toothbrush. I can’t leave the house without brushing my teeth, duh.

4. My mobile phone. Makes me connected to my family, friends, colleagues.

5. Coffee. I would always need caffeine.

There ya go, I’ll try to post tomorrow for Day 6 🙂