Tag Archives: Daily Prompt

Daily Prompt: Hi Mom!

12 May

Today is Mother’s Day in the United States. Wherever in the world you are, write a letter for your mother. Image

*Pictured here is my mother and my niece.*

Dear Mom,

I’ve read a lot of messages/statuses on Facebook greeting their mothers early or on time back in the Philippines, some of them made videos to show how much they love their moms and how much they appreciate all the sacrifices that their mothers did. I know you wouldn’t be able to read my status if I posted a greeting there on Facebook or use Twitter as you don’t have any account on those social networking sites. So why am I wasting my time typing away a letter here that I know you wouldn’t be able to see? I know I sent a couple of text messages but I just thought I wanted to show how proud I am that I have a mother like you.

Raising up 3 kids is not really that simple I know. But when I’m looking at you or thinking about how you managed to give us everything we need, it seems like it’s a no- brainer to you. That every time, you always come up with solutions no matter how difficult the situation is. Looking back during my college days, it seemed like every problem that we encountered is like an intricate puzzle, a labyrinth in which it is difficult to find one’s way out. But you were amazing, always smiling and assuring us that there’s no need to worry. That all we have to do is concentrate on our studies and leave the rest to you. That God will always provide. You taught us to keep our feet rooted to the ground no matter how many achievements we have received. You taught us that there’s always a reward for being patient.

You taught us how to endure hard situations since we we’re not born with silver spoon in our mouths. I am who I am today because of your upbringing. There would always be hurdles along the way but I’m pretty sure I can manage to pass them because of every lesson you inculcated in me. Thank you so much for everything. And I’d say I am proud to be your daughter Mrs. Elizabeth Picaza Abuan.

Love always,

Jeni 🙂

Daily Prompt: Shipwrecked (Unavoidable Circumstance)

24 Jan

Today’s DP: Read the story of Richard Parker and Tom Dudley. Is what Dudley did defensible? What would you have done?

I’m not really expecting that they would ask something like this, and I’m not also expecting that I’d answer today’s prompt. This is basically a story of surviving the harsh open sea by having to succumb to cannibalism.

I’d say I can’t condemn what Dudley did. Yes, I am every inch revolted when I was reading the whole story. But I would have to agree that it was an act that’s justifiable. Survival instinct is a human’s innate behavior. The will to continue to exist despite of difficult circumstances. And having no choice, what could they have done but to commit cannibalism in order for them to live?

Now, what would I have done if I am faced with the same dilemma? Honestly, I would never know until the situation is screaming right in front of me. My sane mind is telling me I’d offer myself for the others to survive, but who would know if that particular instinct surfaced? Then I would have to battle to survive, wouldn’t I? Conflicting. LOL

What would you have done? 




Daily Prompt: Apply Yourself (A Neophyte In Food Photography)

19 Jan

Describe your latest attempt to learn something that did not come easily to you.

It’s actually my first time to do this “Daily Prompt” thing. My blog is a personal one, and I talk mostly about my life, what I like, what I do and other senseless things there. Anyway, I think today’s Daily Prompt is really interesting because it’s asking us to describe something that has to do with challenging ourselves. To understand something you need but may not like, or just to learn something you really want.

Last October, I purchased a camera that, they say is suitable for beginners like me. Yep, I am not a professional photographer nor do I have a crash course or workshop on Photography, and I really wanted to but I can’t find the time. There’s a particular type of Photography that I’m quite interested in and that’s Food Photography.

It’s not really that easy, You can’t just shoot a food that looks mouth-watering. You can’t just take a picture of something that makes an invitation to your tongue. There are a lot of things to be learned and they are a bit challenging. But everyone has to start somewhere right?

First off, I read the manual of my camera and watched tutorials on how to use it, how to play with it, and get creative with it. Then, I started to scour the web for food bloggers and food photographers alike. I read their blogs and jotted down useful tips and slowly applying them. I learned that lighting is very important. I’ve read that using a white cloth is very useful when it comes to diffusing the light, I tried it and it definitely is true! I also came to know about shooting at various angles, that a tripod is helpful because it keeps the camera steady when you’re shooting as compared to when your holding it. That the key to best food photos are those presented simply, clean and natural.

There are still a lot to learn and I’d say that it’s still a long way ahead. I know there would be new trends and styling techniques on Food Photography, and if I’d be given a chance to have a workshop or something, I would gladly grab it. For now, I’m still a neophyte trying to learn by myself *and it sucks lol*. 

PS I also learned how to cook new dishes and bake because I was pressured to take photos of food that’s freshly prepared 😛 *LOL*