Tag Archives: flats


21 Jun

I’m thinking of quitting my job in the hospital. It just started to become boring for me. I mean like waking up early in the morning and doing the same old routine every freaking day. I’m looking for something different, I really wish I can go to UK soon 😦 *Please Dear God, let me go to London soon so I can help my family financially.*

Oh last night we watched the movie Forever Young. It’s pretty much an old movie with Mel Gibson as the lead actor. Elijah Wood (the Frodo lad in LOTR) was also in the movie and he was just 10 years old then, he’s so cute 🙂 Here is a promotional poster of the movie:

This movie along with Chances Are, Somewhere In Time, Parent Trap, Gone With The Wind, City Of Angels, You’ve Got Mail, Sleepless In Seattle are just few of the best old movies back in the days. Why they don’t make movies like these anymore? Oh well there’s The Lake House and The Notebook.

Anyway the story of the movie revolves around Captain Daniel McCormick (Mel Gibson).

Set in the year 1939, Captain Daniel McCormick (Mel Gibson) is a reckless test pilot. After a successful run in a prototype B-25 Mitchell, McCormick is greeted by his longtime friend, Harry Finley (George Wendt), who confides that his latest experiment, “Project B”, has succeeded in doing the impossible. The machine, built by Finley and his team of scientists, is a prototype chamber for cryonic freezing. When McCormick’s girlfriend Helen (Isabel Glasser) winds up in a coma from an accident, and the doctors doubt she’ll ever wake up, McCormick insists to be put in suspended animation for a year, so he doesn’t have to watch her die.

Fifty-three years later, two boys playing around on the inside of a military storage warehouse stumble onto the chamber. Twisting the dials, they accidentally activate the reversal process. During the confusion, McCormick’s sleeping form reflexively grabs one of their coats. They flee in terror, and a short while later, McCormick wakes up in 1992. After appropriating some shorts and a shirt from a clothesline, he first approaches the military about his experiences. When they dismiss him as crazed, McCormick becomes all the more determined to find out what happened to Finley, Helen, and the world that has seemingly evolved overnight around him.

His search leads him to the home of Nat Cooper (Elijah Wood), one of the two boys who opened the chamber. Though the boys are initially scared, McCormick is able to calm Cooper and his friend with the truth of his story. This bond is made stranger yet when Nat’s mother Claire (Jamie Lee Curtis) offers McCormick a place to stay, until he can find out what to do with his search. Nonetheless, McCormick’s time is running out, as his body starts to age rapidly, due to the years he spent in stasis.

When another “aging attack” practically cripples McCormick, Claire is told the amazing truth. Susan, Finley’s daughter, informs him that her father died many years earlier (the government later specifies it was a warehouse fire in the early ’40s, trying to save the frozen McCormick from the chaos). Susan also gives McCormick her father’s journals, hoping he can use them to reverse his own condition (but according to the journals, the project cannot reverse aging, thus explaining Daniel’s own rapid aging). Before leaving, Susan gives McCormick one further revelation: Helen is alive. The government is also after McCormick, but in the end Claire hands over the crucial information on “Project B” and no one is arrested as the government investigates what went wrong from the very beginning.

The final part of McCormick’s journey is to find Helen in the present day. Nat stows away on board a B-25 Mitchell, taken from an airshow, where he helps McCormick land when another attack nearly kills him. His true age now finally having caught up with him, the now-elderly McCormick asks Helen to marry him. (wikipedia.org)

It was a really good movie. I will watch it again if given the chance lol. Anyway here’s a still shot of Elijah Wood as Nat Cooper from the movie:

Isn’t he adorable? 🙂

Well yesterday, I bought an Abercrombie and Fitch white blouse and a pair of silver flats:

This shirt is made from cotton so its really comfy 🙂

And hey these shoes are made from Marikina! Philippine Made! Yay, so proud lol. Anyway I was told by my friends anything from Marikina are of superior quality, they’re for exports too 🙂

Well that’s all haha. I’m so hungry I gotta go grab some lunch. It’s 3:25pm here by the way.