Tag Archives: friends

Couldn’t Think of an Appropriate Title lol

3 Dec

Well, what do you know? The middle east gets a weather of 5 degrees too and for someone like me who came from a tropical country, that temp is already freezing lol. And last Wednesday, I got the biggest shock so far for this year lol, it rained all night and all day long here. It’s just shocking that it rained knowing that it’s desert here. And I was surprised that they considered it as storm already, I mean wth? In the Philippines, storm is like raining with strong winds that can literally disrupt electrical supply, houses are left ruined and such. And hey they suspended classes lol.

This is a picture taken by Hya. It’s raining!

Hya’s dream car, a Chevrolet Avalanche 🙂

Anyway, yesterday was pretty much a not so fun day even though we did go out to Panorama Mall to have our internet connection renewed. Those “karban” sisters ruined the day as they followed us wherever we go. By the way, karban is the arabic word for something that’s malfunctioning lol. Karban sisters as their brains are obviously damaged that all they know is to piss us off. But haha, to us they don’t exist.

My roommate Hya, made some pancakes for our breakfast yesterday morning using an ordinary sandwich maker. 🙂 There were chocolate-filled and cheese-filled pancakes in triangle shape. Not the ordinary round- shaped pancakes lol. They’re so mouthwatering that we finished them off in just about 10minutes? 😀

Came afternoon, we all went to the mall. But before leaving the villa, we took a webcam pic, Yeng, Bernadette and I. We were just fooling around and we kept on teasing Yeng. Bullying would be the right term :D.

Me 🙂

So yeah, our agenda was to renew our internet subscription. Yeng (the girl on the left) bought speakers and camera and dress and shoes and scarf? She’s a shopaholic, but she wouldn’t admit it haha. I bought a few stuff too from Marks and Spencer and my fourth pair of Chuck T! 🙂 And since there’s a brand of instant coffee that’s 3 in 1 and on sale, I bought two bags as well lol.

I’m a coffee addict lol 🙂

Of course it’s tiring strolling and window shopping so we all decided to head to the food court and grab something to fill our hungry stomachs.

Yeng and Hya, thinking what to eat for dinner. They didn’t have any clue that I took a picture of them haha.

They looked hungry? lol. That’s it really, till the next booooooring post 🙂

freedom and baby kelly’s first few pics :)

20 Sep

Yus! What a nice way to start the week! Spent it with friends, going out without a driver haha! I smelled freedom in the air lol. Well that’s because here, we’re not allowed to go out anytime we wanted to, you should have a driver. And last Friday, our driver’s busy so we went out and we actually took a cab lol. Lucky we found a Pinoy driver 🙂

We went to Al- Jazeera Mall? (not sure if I spelled it correctly lol), took a lot of pics, ate Dunkin Donuts for the first time after 7mos! lol And we went to a bakeshop to buy a birthday cake for Bernadette lol. Shame I wasn’t there when she celebrated her birthday because our Medical Director transferred me to another branch of the hospital I’m working at, but only for 2 weeks. Bad thing is I’m staying at another accomodation so I brought a few of my stuff.. I can only go back to the villa every Thursday. So yeah sucks big time. Btw, they transferred me there because they’re understaff. The medical director told me though that the newly hired nurses will arrived soon then I can go back to the main branch 🙂

So yeah, pictures! :

The weird structure in the background is called Mamllakah? (Kingdom Tower), haven’t been there yet. They said at the top you can view the whole of Riyadh..


Ate Janice, Jeni and Mariel at the parking lot of Al Jazzera supermarket.. 🙂

Freedom at last! lol XD

While waiting for Saaddeeden Pastry to open.

Sweets! XD

This is Raspberry Cheesecake Frozen Yogurt btw 🙂

And hey, Zai is not the cutest “baby” for me anymore lol. Sorry but baby Kelly Alexa beat her haha 🙂 Baby Kelly is my brother’s daughter and she was born last Aug. 21 in a moving van while they were on the way to the hospital! Good thing there was a midwife with them and baby Kelly was born healthy 🙂 I really can’t wait to see her 🙂

baby Kelly wake up! hehe XD

I swear I’m gonna spoil her rotten when I go back to Pinas hahaha XD

I love you baby Kelly 🙂

That’s it really, another boring post hehe.. Hope everyone is having a good day! 🙂

Life Doesn’t Get Easier, You Just Get Stronger..

21 May

When there’s something you really wanted, you just have to work hard for you to get it.

Sometimes I can’t help wondering why I ended up working in the middle east (Riyadh, KSA). Was this a detour on my way to a better place? I think so. All I wanted is to go and study or work in the UK and meet that guy I kept in a corner of my heart for too long. Well, I guess fate made a challenge again for me to gain another “useful” experience. To step out of my comfort zone. So yeah, trials came up suddenly like raging winds and angry waves crashing the shore. My dream, as of that moment, was shattered to pieces. But I am thankful that my father has his second life. No words can perfectly described how I am so relieved that my dad recovered from his heart condition and that transcient ischemic attack that’s happened last summer. And this opportunity to work in the middle east is, I think, a good idea. I mean, hello, there are no taxes here lol 😀

I am not letting my hopes down, I know in the future and in God’s perfect time that He will grant me my heart’s desperate desires. I just have to remain strong and keep my faith that everything will turn out just fine.

Anyway, so yeah I’m currently residing here in Riyadh, the capital of KSA. It’s a strict country with so many rules that we have to follow. It’s somewhat difficult because I’m not used to being like a caged bird having not to use its wings and fly. Well I did gain friends and they keep me smiling too so I guess I’m gonna be fine 🙂 Life is what you make out of it, they said. I’m not gonna mope around and sit there all day thinking about how bad it is that I don’t see my family and friends lol. I’m better than that. I’m strong lol, or at least that’s what I think haha.. Well I’m having fun here too, every other Friday that is haha. Because we’re not allowed to go out anytime we wanted to. We go to mall every other Friday, and we do our groceries every Wednesday so it’s ok.

Some pics:

Jeni and her abaya:


Haha, btw I don’t cover my face like that, I just wore my tarha that way because the sun was so fierce!

On our way to work: Jeni and Matet

This weird, but beautiful structure is Al- Faisaliah Tower Mall which is just a 5-minute drive from the hospital we’re working at:

An apple a day keeps the doctor away lol, oh yeah I eat apple every freakin’ day!

Btw, last Thursday night was the celebration of Hyacinth’s “Hya” birthday, and although we’re just seven, we had a lot of fun! Hya just turned 27 last 16 but the celebration was night of 19th because the next day it’s our off day. Here are some pictures:

Hya and her birthday cake, each plate you see contained different types of cake: chocolate cake, custard cake, strawberry cheesecake and blueberry cheesecake. Hya is good cook too, fyi she cooked all the food that we had that night lol. She also baked Oreo Cheesecake which is my favorite 😀


1. Sweet and Sour Fish Fillet

2. Fruit Tray (strawberry, sweet melon, pineapple, apple, banana, kiwi) and Marshmallow with melted White and Dark Chocolate Dip

3.  Buffalo Wings

4. Shepherd’s Pie

5. Baked Mac

6. Chicken Curry

7. Hya’s Birthday Cake

We were so full! Thanks Hya! You’re the best cook ever!

And, these are some of the pics we took:

I wore a black dress with a blue corsage (lol) over my left chest 😀

There were only seven of us but we sure had a fun night!

Sorry the quality of the photo is not good lol 😀

Happy birthday Hya! Wish you all the best 🙂

Wacky shot, Jeni doing a funny face lol 😀

This is ate Juvy, our head nurse and that’s Matet’s back haha 🙂


Good Night! 😀