Tag Archives: job

Couldn’t Think of an Appropriate Title lol

3 Dec

Well, what do you know? The middle east gets a weather of 5 degrees too and for someone like me who came from a tropical country, that temp is already freezing lol. And last Wednesday, I got the biggest shock so far for this year lol, it rained all night and all day long here. It’s just shocking that it rained knowing that it’s desert here. And I was surprised that they considered it as storm already, I mean wth? In the Philippines, storm is like raining with strong winds that can literally disrupt electrical supply, houses are left ruined and such. And hey they suspended classes lol.

This is a picture taken by Hya. It’s raining!

Hya’s dream car, a Chevrolet Avalanche 🙂

Anyway, yesterday was pretty much a not so fun day even though we did go out to Panorama Mall to have our internet connection renewed. Those “karban” sisters ruined the day as they followed us wherever we go. By the way, karban is the arabic word for something that’s malfunctioning lol. Karban sisters as their brains are obviously damaged that all they know is to piss us off. But haha, to us they don’t exist.

My roommate Hya, made some pancakes for our breakfast yesterday morning using an ordinary sandwich maker. 🙂 There were chocolate-filled and cheese-filled pancakes in triangle shape. Not the ordinary round- shaped pancakes lol. They’re so mouthwatering that we finished them off in just about 10minutes? 😀

Came afternoon, we all went to the mall. But before leaving the villa, we took a webcam pic, Yeng, Bernadette and I. We were just fooling around and we kept on teasing Yeng. Bullying would be the right term :D.

Me 🙂

So yeah, our agenda was to renew our internet subscription. Yeng (the girl on the left) bought speakers and camera and dress and shoes and scarf? She’s a shopaholic, but she wouldn’t admit it haha. I bought a few stuff too from Marks and Spencer and my fourth pair of Chuck T! 🙂 And since there’s a brand of instant coffee that’s 3 in 1 and on sale, I bought two bags as well lol.

I’m a coffee addict lol 🙂

Of course it’s tiring strolling and window shopping so we all decided to head to the food court and grab something to fill our hungry stomachs.

Yeng and Hya, thinking what to eat for dinner. They didn’t have any clue that I took a picture of them haha.

They looked hungry? lol. That’s it really, till the next booooooring post 🙂

’cause you had a bad day

22 Sep

Bad day is when your driver didn’t come to pick you up on time, having patients who know nothing but to complain about everything. When you didn’t eat your lunch and you’re standing for hours doing medical procedures, and your superior didn’t stick to his words! When your back is aching and one of your colleagues is whining about her stupid patient that instead of taking a short rest, you have to pretend that you’re listening just so she won’t feel insulted or something. When you have to experience all these crap in one day then all of a sudden you miss your family back home. And at the end of the day, you have a stupid migraine attack that 2 pills of Advil won’t even help in decreasing the pain. And above all else, there’s no one there to listen when you feel like cursing the world for giving you this shit. Someone who’ll just listen, who’ll understand, that you can completely open yourself without judging you, be completely vulnerable.

Life sucks for the most part, it’s good to whine once in a while. I’m a quiet person, I don’t usually tell my problems to anyone unless I’m comfortable with them. I guess I just have to suck these all up, cry quietly at night when everyone’s snoring and write everything down in a journal or post it somewhere. Life’s a bitch, but you have to be twice as bitchy otherwise you’ll lose your head.