Tag Archives: Justin Bartha

hey monday

31 May

Today is Monday meaning I’ve got work tonight and for the next 5 days. The weekend’s good for me thank goodness I was able to rest like yeah. I went shopping with my aunt too, its been fun and I’m looking forward to shop with her again. Last night I watched National Treasure Book of Secrets, starring Nicholas Cage but I didn’t finish watching it because I fell asleep lol, anyway I already watched it in the past so its cool. This second installment of National Treasure focused on the City of Gold (Cibola) and the US President’s Book. The book contains secrets/controversies/myths that took place in the past that pretty much sums up US history. The book is for, by and for the eyes of the president only, pass from previous president to the succeeding president. Each president chooses a place where the book can be kept secured and no one knows it except for the defender of the constitution which is the president himself lol. Anyway it’s a good and a must-be-seen movie.

Oh this is Riley by the way, he’s not the lead actor in the movie but rather Ben Gates’ sidekick. I just love his lines and how he made me laugh with his witty remarks.

This is the lead character, Ben Gates (Nicholas Cage) checking the president’s Resolute Desk in the oval office for clues that will lead them to the map of Cibola.

Ok, enough for the National Treasure. Let’s talk about food that I wanted to eat earlier today (breakfast duh). Breakfast is said to be the most important meal of the day, you should consume a lot of energy food like those rich in carbohydrates and it will help you work all throughout the day even without eating lunch and dinner. Well I missed a lot of breakfast meals when I was in college and when I was in the morning shift because of waking up late and I have to take a bath, prepare my things and so there’s no time for breakfast anymore. I wanted to consume these:

Haha burger and fries for a breakfast? Why not? Le’s see, this whole lot can add up to 800-1000 kilo calories in your body, eew too much excess. But they are mouth- watering yeah? I love Burger King, they got the best burgers ever. I’m gonna indulge myself to this lol. Another option for breakfast is this:

Who doesn’t want something as mouth- watering as this one? The perfect pancakes with a nice hot mug of black coffee is heaven 🙂 I used to make pancakes too with my brother when we were in grade school, but not as perfect as this one. Of course you’d need fluid to push down all the food you consume to your digestive system lol, how about:

Blueberry milkshake? I wager you’d love this ice cold shake and you’ll beg for more. Tip though, drink this up slowly otherwise you’ll get headache/brain freeze.  This too will satiate you :

Nice cold glasses of mango juice and lemon iced tea. Fluids in the body are vital too for they replenish cells and without em you’ll be dehydrated as hell. It’s always good to consume at least 8 glasses of water everyday.

Hey a meal is not complete without the dessert yeah? Here indulge yourself to this:

Sundae? Ice cream? Crepe? I don’t really what’s this called but I’m gonna eat them for sure and leave nothing but the plate and spoon. *burp* Now I’m full lol. See yah again next time. Have a good one.