Tag Archives: Post A Day

Taking A Risk

30 Jun


Thomas Jefferson said, “With great risk, comes great reward.”

So why don’t you put your one foot forward and start walking a path where the end is uncertain? Oftentimes, people do not participate in a life gamble where they think they will lose in the end, even if the end is still hazy. The reason probably is that, they are scared that they will not gain something if they’re going to engage in a situation soliciting decisions that may have a significant consequence.

I would say that it’s very simple. If you lose then you have gain a lesson. And life lessons are worth having. They are the light house that guides you when you are there on the sea and trying to maneuver your ship to a safe place.

Nothing in life worth having comes easy. You have to experience waves and quakes that will shake you. Shake you until you have gained something valuable. You can’t just stand on the sidelines and contemplate life. You have to participate.

You will never know what’s around the corner if you have not made one risk. This could be a watershed moment in your life. And a positive one at that, you will never know.

And what more, taking a risk will not kill you. So, take a risk everyday. Do one one thing everyday that scares you.

Another Chapter Is Finished (Waiting For The New One)

14 May

When a journey has ended and you’re on your way home, you have that feeling akin to euphoria. Especially if you have achieved something that you set before like for example, stepping out of your comfort zone.

Two years in the Middle East has gone by so fast that it just felt like a dream to me. I consider myself lucky that I have experienced a culture and traditions that’s so different from what I’m used to, from what I have read in the books. And now my extraordinary detour is coming to an end. All I can say is, life has been good to me. All those hurdles I’ve encountered are blessings to me as they made me a stronger person capable of dealing with anything *I hope*. So here I am sitting here in Abu Dhabi International Airport, waiting for my flight bound to Manila. Maasalama Middle East, you truly are a great teacher. Shukran. 🙂


Daily Prompt: Hi Mom!

12 May

Today is Mother’s Day in the United States. Wherever in the world you are, write a letter for your mother. Image

*Pictured here is my mother and my niece.*

Dear Mom,

I’ve read a lot of messages/statuses on Facebook greeting their mothers early or on time back in the Philippines, some of them made videos to show how much they love their moms and how much they appreciate all the sacrifices that their mothers did. I know you wouldn’t be able to read my status if I posted a greeting there on Facebook or use Twitter as you don’t have any account on those social networking sites. So why am I wasting my time typing away a letter here that I know you wouldn’t be able to see? I know I sent a couple of text messages but I just thought I wanted to show how proud I am that I have a mother like you.

Raising up 3 kids is not really that simple I know. But when I’m looking at you or thinking about how you managed to give us everything we need, it seems like it’s a no- brainer to you. That every time, you always come up with solutions no matter how difficult the situation is. Looking back during my college days, it seemed like every problem that we encountered is like an intricate puzzle, a labyrinth in which it is difficult to find one’s way out. But you were amazing, always smiling and assuring us that there’s no need to worry. That all we have to do is concentrate on our studies and leave the rest to you. That God will always provide. You taught us to keep our feet rooted to the ground no matter how many achievements we have received. You taught us that there’s always a reward for being patient.

You taught us how to endure hard situations since we we’re not born with silver spoon in our mouths. I am who I am today because of your upbringing. There would always be hurdles along the way but I’m pretty sure I can manage to pass them because of every lesson you inculcated in me. Thank you so much for everything. And I’d say I am proud to be your daughter Mrs. Elizabeth Picaza Abuan.

Love always,

Jeni 🙂


9 Feb


Arnold Bennet once said, “Any change, even a change for the better, is always accompanied by drawbacks and discomforts.”

We are all living a routinary life, and everyday we do the same things that we did yesterday or the day before that. We get off our beds, eat breakfast and go to work. We meet up with friends, hang out in the mall or go home and read something. These situations are just few evidences that we are all having a customary set of activities. Others may find it inspiring but others do not think that way.

Some people would think that change is always a good thing because it brings progress. In addition to that, it introduces us to new things that we didn’t know before. Change fuels us to do better and to endure situations that come along with it. It may not be always a desirable change but it teaches us new ways on how to deal with those kind of situations as it pressures us to make the choices that we think are right.

On the other hand, experiencing change can be difficult to some. They may find it hard to adjust to any alterations that may come so they avoid change as much as possible. It may be burdensome to encounter a sudden change in day to day activities and would probably cause a confusion. Doing the same things and experiencing the same situations can be enriching to others. It can promote expertise and since it is a routine already, a wrong step can be spotted by someone so easily.

However, it is necessary for us to experience change. It is the only constant thing in this world. As they say, change is inevitable and I could not agree more. To undergo change would help us grow and be mature. It opens our whole being to new challenges and opportunities waiting to be embraced. Be it good or a bad change, it makes us better decision makers and better persons capable of dealing with any situations.

Daily Prompt: Shipwrecked (Unavoidable Circumstance)

24 Jan

Today’s DP: Read the story of Richard Parker and Tom Dudley. Is what Dudley did defensible? What would you have done?

I’m not really expecting that they would ask something like this, and I’m not also expecting that I’d answer today’s prompt. This is basically a story of surviving the harsh open sea by having to succumb to cannibalism.

I’d say I can’t condemn what Dudley did. Yes, I am every inch revolted when I was reading the whole story. But I would have to agree that it was an act that’s justifiable. Survival instinct is a human’s innate behavior. The will to continue to exist despite of difficult circumstances. And having no choice, what could they have done but to commit cannibalism in order for them to live?

Now, what would I have done if I am faced with the same dilemma? Honestly, I would never know until the situation is screaming right in front of me. My sane mind is telling me I’d offer myself for the others to survive, but who would know if that particular instinct surfaced? Then I would have to battle to survive, wouldn’t I? Conflicting. LOL

What would you have done?