Tag Archives: Princess Hours

Worst Week

7 Jun

I was having a bad feeling all week, it started with a migraine last Monday night which was the primary cause of my absence in the hospital. It was so bad, the pain scale was like 10 and no pain killer (oral) was effective, what a shame. Even Diclofenac was useless in relieving the pain. I was cussing out every minute (lol), well single curse actually which was

When Tuesday arrived, I got the biggest shock so far for this month. The patient in RM 307 died. The patient suffered from a 2-series of CVA and was bed-ridden for months, her children were the ones that took care of her, from hygiene to feeding. What prompted her children to hospitalize the patient was fever, and so she was monitored and every 6 hours we feed her through nasogastric tube, we also nebulize her. I am expecting that she’ll be out in the hospital just fine in a couple of days more and then only to find out that she suffered another attack in which the doctor and nurses on duty weren’t able to resuscitate her anymore. We pray for her soul to rest for all eternity.

That night when she died, we were talking about myths. See, there’s this oneΒ  myth that goes when someone dies it will take another two with him to the grave. That very same night, the patient in RM 309 fainted for some reason (note: she just gave birth but she’s already ambulatory) that we have an O2 tank ready in her bedside just in case. The following night (Wednesday), the patient in RM 322 had difficulty of breathing that we almost have to use the ambu bag and we’re ready to intubate. It was toxic because we have to monitor his oxygen saturation which was kinda low (85-93%), it has to be 98-100%. We also have to nebulize him and suction oral discharges every 6 hours (he’s 80+ y.o.) Whew, good thing they’re getting pretty better now πŸ™‚

On a lighter note, I’ve started another microblog in Tumblr.com. It’s all about pictures of anything sweet, and holy smoke I just started like 2 days ago and I’ve had over 25 followers already and lots of reblogs and likes. I was so flattered haha πŸ™‚ Here’s the link: another microblog

You can find pictures like this one, and photos of cupcakes, sherbets, ice creams, yogurts just to mention a few in my new blog. πŸ˜€

Last Sunday (day off) I’ve been watching Korean songs which became quite famous here in the Philippines. Among were songs of 2NE1, Girl’s Generation, Super Junior, U- Kiss and such. One thing I noticed though, a Korean Pop band/group is composed of a large number of performers/artist. Super Junior for an instance, they have 12 members? They’re all good-looking though πŸ™‚

They might be a little too gay for some though. I really like that guy Kibum, he’s actually cute. Here’s another picture of them :

I prefer Super Junior more than U-Kiss. Eew, U- Kiss are too gays for my taste lol, here watch this video of their song which actually soared high and topped the charts for weeks here in our country:

See what I mean? They’re so gay right? This actually is the funniest music video I’ve seen πŸ™‚ Hehe..

Well speaking of Koreans, I do watch a lot of Korean drama because they’re so good. They can actually make me cry, what with all the story lines, the acting and the soundtracks, especially how the lead actors make me swoon over them πŸ™‚ I have a long time crush with Joo Ji Hoon (the lead actor in Princess Hours, who played the role of Prince Lee Shin (Prince Gian in pinas)

Oh well before he’s also a model.

Holy crow! He’s so hot I would want to devour him right now lol. I was told he looked a bit like my ex boyfriend Carlo. I was like “I beg your pardon? Joo Ji Hoo is way different from that asshole lol”. Here’s a picture of Carlo: (Hi Carlo!)

See? they’re way different from each other right? Except maybe for the chinky eyes lol.

Anyway last year, it was reported that Joo Ji Hoon was caught using drugs (Ecstacy and Ketamine) and pleaded guilty last April 2009 which became the end for his acting career. He was charged with six months of jail with one year of probation (a suspended sentence) and 120 hours of community service, plus a penalty of 360,000 won (which is only approx US $280). After the scandal, it was also reported that earlier this year (around February), Joo Ji Hoon had decided to join the military, this picture of him was all over KPop websites and he looked so much different with his army cut hair.

Anyway, that’s all I have to say now. It’s almost 5pm here and I have to go run some errands πŸ™‚