Tag Archives: stupid

you look smart, until you start talking (so just zip it)

28 Aug

Grrrrrrrr! Can you just shut up for at least a minute? You’re making no sense at all! Can you listen to yourself talking and tell me if what you just said makes sense? Oh wait! I forgot! You have such small brain but a big mouth! SHUT UP will yah? Did you hear us complaining when you do cruel things? NO! So why are you acting such a bitch with a smart mind? As far as I know, bitches don’t have minds at all! Because they’re bitch and my dear you are a classic example! Maybe you can just rot to hell with that nearly brainless head “HN” of yours! Afterall you’re both f*ckin stupid! Take your puppet with you! Because she’s useless without her master.

Why, after 2 months did you brought that thing up? Because you’re bored? Because you can’t hear anything from us? Because we’re not complaining? And you’re finding a hole to make us miserable? Well I’ve got news for you, go ahead and try! I’ve got four nasty words for you if you want me to talk, SHUT THE FUCK UP!

Large Scale Unrest In The UK

12 Aug

What started off as a peaceful protest ended up as violent riots and streets were literally set on fire in the capital of UK. Houses torched, businesses and other establishments were set alight and cars burned out by gangs of black as well as white youths. Shops and stores were robbed out of goods and people jumping out of burning apartments. These are just some of the unfortunate scenes happening in the UK.

WTF is happening? Are they that heartless to do such mindless acts? Destroying your city? Your place of living? And attacking random people on the streets? What the fuck do they get out of it? For fun?
The riot started following a shooting of a guy named Mark Duggan, which gave local criminals reason to literally cause havoc around the city, looting and breaking shops and jewellery stores and burning establishments and cars lying around.
It’s already the 4th day and no progress has been done by their government. Police just stood by and watched the scenes as they can’t attack the offenders. I think they could use some Martial Law there don’t yah think?
Philippines suffered the same fate way back 1970s when the late President Ferdinand Marcos was in the Malacanang Palace, there was social unrest too and streets were on fire. The president declared martial law then.
Anyway the following are still shots which were sent by alex (i’m fearing for his safety):

High on drugs? Or just high on the thought that doing these stupid things can make you awesome?

                                                                                                        Gangs of hooded imbeciles.

Are they aware how much a car would cost?

OMG, this!

It’s like you’ve gone to hell isn’t it?

Thank heavens the riots stopped now. There’s a lot to clean up and I hope the people responsible for this violence will be punished according to law. In addition, I hope, we all hope that this kind of thing will never happen again, in the UK or anywhere else.

PS thanks alex for the pictures 🙂 So glad you’re safe 🙂