Tag Archives: Twilight Saga


4 Jul

Whew! I was glad the first week of July was over for some reason I felt like it gone by so fast I hardly noticed that today is already Monday and I don’t have work and it’s another week to be thankful of the blessings from above 🙂

Ok, so I was on a private duty all week long last week which made my schedule a busy one. My patient was a Chinese national who can speak a little but twisted Tagalog and I was having a hard time understanding and deciphering her words lol. She is 64 year old female, diabetic and is unresponsive to oral hypoglycemic agents (drugs controlling the blood sugar level) due mainly to the fact that she doesn’t follow her diet and is hard headed as a person who’s extraordinarily opinionated. She also claimed by the way that she’s brighter than her doctor which almost choked me to death (I was eating dimsum when she said that) lol. Anyway, my schedule of caring for her was from 7pm to 7am and it was so hard when I can’t sleep at night when she’s already snoring because I’m afraid when I dozed off she might wake up and see that I am sleeping at her side lol. During this one short week of taking care of a Chinese patient I noticed some of the things she does similar to other Chinese patient I’ve cared in the past. Let me get this straight first, not all Chinese are like them ok? Just some, NOT ALL. Ok back to the point, they are not really particular to their hygiene, there’s a somewhat foul odor emanating from them 😦 because they only take a bath once every 3 days. They have the weirdest diet I’ve ever seen. I have to always fight the urge to throw up every time they prepare their food. For instance, juicing an orange slice and pouring it in a hard boiled egg. Another one, pouring hot water into newly cooked steamed rice and draining it after. I mean seriously though, why the hell would you pour hot water into a bowl full of newly cooked rice? Their dimsum is particularly good though. My patient is kind and sometimes would teach me how to count in Pekinese, I already forgotten hehe.. And I was well compensated, problem is I can’t stand her short temper and her tendency to yell at you when you don’t understand what she’s saying so last Friday night I bid my farewell.

Came Sunday night, it was 3pm and I’ve decided to treat myself to a movie. My brother wanted to go with me and of course that meant I have to treat him too. So off we went to watch The Twilight Saga: ECLIPSE (the 3rd installmet). Here are our movie tickets along with 2 freebies which I think were bookmarks:

Actually my brother didn’t want to go and watch with me first but when I told him that I’m gonna treat him with a whopper at Burger King, he’s had change of mind lol. The pig that he is! lol..

Well Eclipse didn’t disappoint me. From the first scene to the last, I was glued to my seat and watch intently I was even afraid to blink my eye because I might miss a scene, you know how they move, vampires. lol It was as always epically amazing, the effects, the audio, the script and I was so glad they stick to the book 🙂 The werewolves are so effing cute and cuddly, there’s nothing scary about em.. The Volturi are scary lol even Victoria and Riley! Edward is hot but I find Jasper more hotter in this sequel 😀 Hmm.. haha

That scene when the Cullens were chasing Victoria and the werewolves emerged after a moment and join the chase was so far my favorite! As well as the camping scene when Bella was sleeping in Jacob’s arms and Edward was seated not far from them. Bella was freezing and Edward can’t hold her, because he’s a cold one for crying out loud! Only Jacob can because he’s hotter than a normal human, I mean that literally 🙂 All in all, the movie was great! Two thumbs up, I would do three if I have a spare lol.

Zai wasn’t with us by the way because of some school project and we just brought dinner for her courtesy of MickeyD’s and I also bought 2 worldcup glasses. You just have to add 25 pesos to each value meal:

Well that’s all 🙂