Tag Archives: video

george-filled afternoon

7 Aug

I was watching Channel [V]’s Plug and there’s nothing interesting about the VJ or the videos he played because I don’t know them and I was about to go watch Monsters Inc on Disney when the VJ said something about a music video of an English indie rockers featuring a female star in Harry Potter, naturally I got curious and so I waited patiently for the video ๐Ÿ™‚ and there it was a band called One Night Only. I was thinking that this band is just another indie band, there’s something interesting about their music though it’s tasteful and has unique beats and when the camera focused on the vocalist’s face I forgot to breathe lol haha. The guy was gorgeous! And guess who was the female star? It was Emma Watson who played Hermione Granger in Harry Potter series, a fashion icon, a model for Burberry and a pretty lady who recently cut her hair off into a short one ๐Ÿ™‚ Ah some girls have all the luck ๐Ÿ™‚

Oh well anyway back to the topic, so yeah after watching the music video I turned my laptop on and searched for George Craig lol and there it was! He was a model for Burberry, no wonder I found his face familiar I know I’ve seen it somewhere in a magazine or a website that featured Emma Watson because I used to post her pictures in my tumblr ๐Ÿ˜€ True enough they did a photoshoot and modeled for Burberry’s Spring/Summer 2010 Ad Campaign.

Look at that fierce look on his face and the air of confidence surrounding his built. That’s some hot model ๐Ÿ™‚ I just love his smoky eyes and that strong jaw *drools* lol But here comes the painful part, Emma Watson just confirmed that she’s dating George ๐Ÿ˜ฆ I managed to find a picture of them together, oh well there are a lot of pictures of them in the internet.

Oh well I can dream about him can’t I? lol They actually look good together ๐Ÿ™‚ Oh by the way I found this great tumblr, dedicated to George Craig haha everything about George Craig

And if you want to see pictures of this hot, gorgeous guy just click here

And lastly here’s a video of One Night Only’s Say You Don’t Want It featuring Emma Watson, note: look for the part where George licked Emma’s cheek haha I’m so jealous lol:

Step aside Robert Pattinson, I found a new hot guy lol lol lol ๐Ÿ˜€ goodnight ๐Ÿ™‚

things about me that the world doesn’t know about :)

2 Aug

Hey it’s raining so hard outside and I just wanted to post stuff (totally uninteresting) about me that the world doesn’t know about, as I stated in the title ๐Ÿ™‚

But first, let me have a rundown of what happened last night. My brother and I were watching CHEATERS on maxxx channel. Yeah the almost famous reality tv show with main goal of helping the victims to gather evidences that they’ve been cheated on by their partners and eventually after gathering ample evidences, comes the confrontation which is always the exciting part. lol. Last night’s episode was interesting according to my brother because the victims were GUYS and apparently their wives were cheating on them. My brother said something like, “It’s just a different story when a guy got cheated by his gf, that’s a serious blow in their ego and almost always they were unable to move on. It’s easier for the girls to move on, furthermore the girls have a lot of defense mechanisms and support systems like friends and colleagues in which they can easily cry their heart out without being ashamed. Us guys, we don’t have those, although we do have brains *bro smiling wide* its better if we tell other people what’s hurting us.”

I was like, “WTF are you talking about? It’s like you’re telling me that it’s horrible when guys are being cheated on and it’s hard for you to move on? What about a girl who experienced a not so happy ending because her bf was a piece of shit? Don’t you know that the suicidal rate for girls are higher than guys because of vulnerability? And a lot of guys I know are two timers or worst they have 3. And bro you are a classic example.” lol Anyway let’s move on ๐Ÿ™‚

1. I eat 2 cups of rice during breakfast and after eating I always feel guilty about consuming a lot of carbs ๐Ÿ™‚

2. I watch tv and flick the channels to my heart’s content while surfing the net or playing plants vs zombies, in other words I consume a lot of electricity when I open the laptop lol

3. I watch a lot of old movies (e.g. Gone With The Wind, The Sound of Music, Forever Young, Somewhere in Time, Ghost etc) when my parents and my siblings are sleeping, usually around 3 to 4 am. Why? So they won’t see me crying over some silly, vintage movies.

4. I brush my teeth twice in the morning after waking up. My brother said I’m crazy because after brushing I have to brush again lol.

5. My greatest dream is to donate a lot of money to our town’s parish church.

6. I eat boiled eggs with the so-called Bagoong ๐Ÿ™‚

7. I can do stationary jogging in my room for an hour or more while listening to post hardcore tracks.

8. Last month I downloaded Super Junior’s It’s You music video and watch it every chance I get and try to pick up their dance moves whenever no one’s around in the house ๐Ÿ™‚ I won’t stop until I can copy the steps perfectly lol *hey i was a member of a dance troupe back in the days and I remember we danced NSYNC’s Bye Bye and It’s Gonna Be Me* lol lol lol

9. I always write down every frustrations and problems that I have in my journals, so basically every year I have a new journal.

10. I want to become a professional photographer someday and take pictures and edit them making them look vintage-ish, i love self portraits I’m crazy about them as well as pictures of girls behind a camera or girls smoking. These pictures are from my tumblr, i didn’t steal them lol i always give credits and set a click through link back to the site where I found them:

vintage looking ones:

girl behind a camera

self portraits

girl smoking

Now you know few things about me lol, I have so many in my pocket and I won’t let them out now. That’s for me to know ๐Ÿ™‚

Waaaa! Now I feel exposed! lol ๐Ÿ™‚

gosh, can’t belive i wrote this a long time ago..

23 Jul

A few lines from a forgotten essay written in one of my journals:

The battle is over,itโ€™s useless fighting when long time ago youโ€™ve given up. When you chose to stay with her. Itโ€™s just so unfair that she snatched you away from me. What can I do when itโ€™s your choice to stay in her arms, to kiss her lips and whisper words of love in her ears. Iโ€™ve had a taste of heaven in months but what happened next I honestly donโ€™t know. You turned away and left me on that avenue. It was so hard that I almost broke down and cried, I literally stopped breathing for a while but I told myself it was the only thing you left for me, breathing. And so I have to breathe. When you walked away you took everything from me, my heart, my soul. Iโ€™m not the same person anymore. I was shattered, I love you so much that it hurts. Memories of you and me they kept coming back, theyโ€™re all the same now. Happy and painful memories bring tears to my eyes. It just hurts and all I can do is cry. All I can do is pray youโ€™ll come back. But thatโ€™s not possible isnโ€™t it? Because youโ€™re gone. Because you just threw away everything that we had. Because you left without bothering to wipe my tears away.

In one fluid moment, the love I have was gone into a place where he canโ€™t come back. Because I know youโ€™re happy with her. But tell me, does she love you like I did?